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Memorial plaque for persecuted union members

House of the German Trade Union Confederation.
Entrance to the DGB House with memorial plaque.
Commemorative plaque for persecuted trade unionists at the DGB building.

On 2 May 1933 nazis stormed the Hamburg union building; board members were arrested and tortured. The trader unions were forbidden and their property confiscated. In 2003, the German Trade Union Confederation (Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, DGB) installed a memorial plaque on the façade of the Hamburg union building to commemorate the occupation of the building in 1933.

The text on the plaque reads:

'On 2 May 1933, members of the SA, SS and Nazi Party stormed the Hamburg union building and arrested the board members of the General German Workers’ Association (ADGB). Throughout Germany, trade unionists were arrested, interrogated, tortured and beaten to death. For many trade unionists, these days were the start of a long path of suffering that took them through prisons and concentration camps.
DGB Hamburg, 2 May 2003'

Memorial plaque
Memorial plaque for persecuted union members
House of German Trade Union Confederation, Besenbinderhof 60


Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund Hamburg

Besenbinderhof 60
20097 Hamburg
Phone: 040 - 60 77 66 115
Memorial plaque