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Monument to the bombing victims from 30 July 1943

Memorial on the traffic island in front of the Mundsburg Towers for the victims of the bombing on 30 July 1943.
Inscription on the Hamburger Straße memorial.
Memorial to the victims of the bombing raid on 30 July 1943.
Memorial to the victims of the bombing raid on 30 July 1943.

In an air raid that took place on the night of 30 July 1943 during ‘Operation Gomorrah’, 370 people were killed in a shelter beneath the Karstadt department store on Hamburger Strasse. Following efforts by the Barmbek-Uhlenhorst Peace Initiative and the Nord district office, a monument was erected on 30 July 1985 in memory of these people.

The monument is located on a traffic island surrounded by busy streets. The artist Hildegard Huza (born 1952) designed the sculpture, which depicts a crouching figure cowering in a corner against a damaged brick wall. The monument’s pedestal bears two inscriptions composed by the Barmbek-Uhlenhorst local administrative committee. One briefly describes the historical event, while the other reads: ‘An exhortation from the dead – Never again fascism – Never again war’.

Monument to the bombing victims from 30 July 1943
Traffic island Hamburger Straße/Oberaltenallee


Bezirksamt Hamburg-Nord

Kümmellstraße 6
20249 Hamburg
Phone: 040-428046052
Groups of victims