Name panels on the Sternschanze Primary School for the deportations on 15 and 19 July 1942
During the summer holidays of 1942, the Schanzenstrasse School was used as an assembly point for the deportation of over 1,700 Jewish women, men and children. They were deported on two transports on 15 and 19 July 1942 from the Hannoversche Bahnhof to the Theresienstadt ghetto. Most of them died there or were murdered in the Auschwitz or Treblinka extermination camps. Only 136 of them survived.
In the summer of 2022, name panels were installed at the main entrance of what is now the Sternschanze Primary School at Altonaer Strasse 38 to commemorate the deportees. A Stolperschwelle (stumbling threshold) at the school entrance on Schanzenstrasse commemorates the 13 girls and boys from the Israelitische Töchterschule (Jewish Girls’ School) at Karolinenstrasse 35 who were deported via the Schanzenstrasse School on 15 and 19 July 1942. Only two of these 13 Jewish pupils survived.
Initiative "Kein Vergessen im Weidenviertel"