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Ohlsdorf Cemetery - Scholl Foundation burial ground

Field of Honour of the Geschwister Scholl Foundation.
Commemorative steles for social democrats on the Geschwister Scholl Foundation's Field of Honour.
Memorial stone for victims of 'euthanasia' from the Alsterdorf institutions on the Geschwister-Scholl-Stiftung's field of honour.
Sign on the field of honour of the Geschwister-Scholl-Foundation.

This burial ground in the eastern part of the Ohlsdorf Cemetery is primarily for members of the resistance and other people persecuted by the Nazis who died after 1945. It was established in 1961 by the Geschwister-Scholl-Stiftung (Scholl Foundation). An obelisk with the birth and death dates of Hans and Sophie Scholl commemorates the victims of National Socialism. Three steles were added to the memorial complex in 2006 on the initiative of the Working Group of Formerly Persecuted Social Democrats. The steles list the names of Social Democrats from Hamburg who were persecuted and killed. A plaque installed at the entrance to the burial ground in 2008 by the Scholl Foundation names the various groups to which the victims buried here belonged. Many of them were from the Communist resistance movement.

Ohlsdorf Cemetery - Scholl Foundation burial ground
Ohlsdorf Cemetery, Sorbusallee



Große Bleichen 23
20354 Hamburg
Phone: 040-346430
Groups of victims